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Implants PDF  | Print |  E-mail

Why Would I Need an Implant?

Implants are used as a replacement, or substitute, of the natural tooth. It is important to replace missing teeth due to the loss of bone that occurs without the stimulation of the tooth root. When teeth are missing, the bone that previously supported the tooth, begins to melt away or deteriorate. This progressive process is called bone resorption.

What is Involved with Dental Implant Procedures?

During your consultation appointment, Dr. Hughes will examine the implant area to determine that the height
and width of bone is adequate to support the implant. We will also discuss the best treatment plan, deciding if a
healing time is appropriate or if an implant could be immediately placed at time of the extraction.

You will return to the office for the implant placement, which includes placing the implant into the bone using a
gentle surgical technique. Following the implant placement procedures, the implants are left undisturbed for a
period of 3 to 9 months so that the bone can grow around the implants to form a strong biological bond to them.
During this bone "remodeling" phase, you will have some type of temporary replacement teeth, so that you never
have to be without teeth during the treatment.

Following the appropriate healing period, a small connector post called an abutment is attached to each implant.
The permanent replacement teeth will eventually be attached to the abutments.

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